Walking the labyrinth

  • Alison James: Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, LCF
  • Anne-marie Bradley: Counsellor, Student Services, ADS

Brief description of session and activities

Labyrinths are ancient pathways for the spirit; they date back thousands of years & can be found in many cultures. During the last twenty years they have increasingly been used as contemplative tools. Walking them gives opportunity to focus in on yourself, a calming experience and one which can provoke deep inner reflection

Walking the labyrinth can help you:

  • slow your body & mind
  • find a sense of calm & wellbeing
  • let go of something worrying you, of stress or of anger
  • meditate or pray
  • deal with grief or remember someone special
  • focus on a specific aspect of your life

You can’t get lost as there’s only one path to follow, into the centre and out again; you are more likely to find yourself. Walk at whatever pace feels right for you; let others overtake you or overtake them if you wish. Walk with “soft eyes” - unfocussed and keeping a downward gaze - and an open mind, accepting whatever thoughts come to you.

The walk has three stages:

  • Releasing - letting go, as you walk into the centre, or reflecting on past stages of your life
  • Receiving - pausing at the centre for as long as you wish, absorbing whatever reflections come to you in the present
  • Returning - when you are ready, to the outside world, perhaps reflecting on what you imagine your future to hold

How will students be involved in the session?


What will participants take away from the session?