My Digital Life at CSM: exploring successful partnerships at UAL

  • Jo Morrison: Digital Projects Director, CSM
  • Charlotte Webb: Project Manager, Student Engagement (Digital), CLTAD
  • Rita Fernandez: MA innovation management student, CSM

Brief description of session and activities

During the Autumn Term 2012/13, a partnership was formed between Jo Morrison, CSM Digital Projects Director, students from CSM’s MA Innovation Management course (MA:IM), and Charlotte Webb, Project Manager of UAL’s My Digital Life project. Jo and MA:IM students undertook a small-scale study that investigated how CSM students are (or are not) using digital technologies in the context of art and design practices. Their research insights were then shared and debated with UAL students and staff in an evening workshop as part of the My Digital Life event series.

In this session, Charlotte, Jo and Rita will briefly present their experiences from the partnership, and discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of undertaking collaborative projects between students and staff.

They will then run a workshop that invites participants to identify their own partnership opportunities/desires and brainstorm ideas about how the University might be able to facilitate future collaborations.

How will students be involved in the session?

MA Innovation Management student Rita Fernandez will share her insights from the event.

What will participants take away from the session?

  • Ideas for possible partnership opportunities
  • Ideas about how to maximise value from their current and future projects through collaboration
  • Insights into different models for project engagement between staff and students