Modelling space

  • Graham Barton: Academic Support Co-ordinator, Academic Support, UAL.
  • Alison Green: Course Leader, MA Culture, Criticism and Curation, CSM.
  • Alison James: Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, LCF.

How do our individual conceptions of learning spaces vary? How can perspectives on space influence the design of generative learning spaces? This workshop will encourage participants to explore metaphorical conceptions of space through three-dimensional modelling. Working collaboratively, participants will be encouraged to develop successive layers of conceptual metaphor related to space in the context of their professional and creative practice, and, most importantly, to hear others’ perspectives. The enquiry undertaken in the workshop should lead to deeper understandings of the nature of learning space/s at UAL, and the outcomes of the session will be collated and disseminated to other attendees after the workshop.