Attendee guidance

General Guidance for Attendees 

  • This Conference is being hosted at CSM, across several rooms and open spaces in the college. 
  • The event is UAL Staff only, with the exception of external co-presenters and Partner Colleges.  
  • This event is ticketed. We will hold tickets on the door but encourage attendees to book in advance.  
  • There will be a welcome desk with all the details you will need about the day, and someone there to guide you. 

Session Formats 

The session types and approximate runtimes are: 

  • Workshop (45 mins) 
  • Paper (15 mins + 10 mins discussion) 
  • Panel Discussion (50 mins) 
  • Lightning talk (5 mins + 5 mins discussion) 
  • Conversation (25 minutes) 

Parallel Sessions 

The Conference presentations / sessions will take place across 5 different themed parallel sessions of 50 minutes each. These will range from a full 50-minute Workshop or Panel to 5 x 10-minute Lightning Talks. We ask that you attend the full session to minimise disruption in the space.

Running Order 

9.20 am – 10.00 am Reception  Breakfast Pastries and coffees 
10.00 am – 10.20 am Opening Keynote  Arts SU Chief Executives (20 mins) 
10.30 am – 11.20 am Parallel Session 1 (50 mins)   
11.30 am – 12.20 pm  Parallel Session 2 (50 mins) 
12.20 pm – 13.30 pm Lunch in the Canteen + Stalls in the Street (70 mins) 
13.30 pm – 14.20 pm  Parallel Session 3 (50 mins)  
14.30 pm – 15.10 pm  Plenary Keynote  Michelle Howe presentation followed by afternoon tea (40 mins)  
15.10 pm – 16.00 pm   Parallel Session 4 (50 mins)   
16.10 pm – 17.00 pm  Parallel Session 5 (50 mins)   
17.00 pm – 17.30 pm  Stalls Session (30 mins) 
17.30 pm – 20.00 pm  Conference Celebration Event in the Platform Bar (till close) 


Following an abundant response to our open call, the Conference programme is themed by the submissions’ contemporary relevance, criticality and coherence. Hear from an exciting range of speakers from across UAL organised into 5 parallel sessions: 

  • Student rights and agency 

A range of presentations exploring student experience and engagement from a student perspective.  

  • Aesthetics and ethics of embodied learning 

A range of perspectives on how embodied experience, specifically in arts curricula, might inform an approach to social purpose as social justice. Demands that we develop our education practice invite you to engage in these active dialogic sessions.  

  • Writing our way out of trouble [ : ; ,] 

This year, an arguably emergent sectoral theme in creative approaches to student and academic writing connects this with policy and practice.  

  • Post-analogue strategies  

AI, AR, digital resources and critical uses of data are presented in a range of formats to align with your preferences for participation in our fourth session of the day. 

  • Resituating the curriculum in a time of change  

A wider perspective to end the day, on curriculum design in challenging times. 

Filming and Photography 

We would like to inform you that event photography and videography will be taking place during this event. The captured images and footage may be used for promotional purposes, including but not limited to: 

– Social media posts 

– Event recaps and highlights 

– Future event promotions 

– Organisational newsletters and reports 

If you have any concerns or prefer not to be photographed or filmed, please inform the event staff upon arrival. We will provide you with a no-photography sticker to indicate that you do not consent to the use of any images or footage captured. 

Session Recording 

We have decided not to record the Conference parallel sessions, due to:  

  • the number of hours of material  
  • to encourage a safe space and a spirit of trust and openness in discussion and  
  • to avert breaches of confidentiality and privacy in managing this complex event. 

Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Please take note of the following provisions: 

  • Quiet Spaces: There will be a quiet space available for your use on the first floor and on the roof terrace. Feel free to use these areas if you need a break or some quiet time. 
  • First Aid: A first aider will be on site to assist with any medical needs or emergencies. 
  • Fire Safety: There will be no fire drills during the event. If you hear the alarm, please make your way to the nearest exit promptly and safely. 
  • Hydration: Please bring a refillable water bottle. There will be several water points on site and an iced water refill station in the centre of the CSM Street space to keep you hydrated throughout the event. 

We aim to create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. If you have any specific needs or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the event staff. 

Food and Drink 

This event is fully catered to ensure your comfort and enjoyment throughout the day. Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Arrival: Start your day with a selection of teas, coffees, light breakfast pastries and fruit.  
  • Lunch: A full buffet lunch will be provided, offering a variety of vegetarian and vegan options. 
  • Afternoon: Enjoy tea and cakes as an afternoon treat. 
  • Evening Celebration: The event will conclude with a celebration featuring both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. 

All food provided is vegetarian and vegan. If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, please inform the catering staff to ensure your needs are accommodated.  


There will be a moderator in each room. They will offer some ‘light touch’ hosting, manage timekeeping, introduce speakers if necessary or be on hand to get in touch with the event team for technical assistance. 


We look forward to welcoming you to on Tuesday 09 July!  

Best wishes,  

UAL Exchange Education Conference Planning Team