How do I make a proposal?
For access information and support with submitting a proposal please see the Access information.
Who can make a proposal?
We welcome proposals from all staff across University of the Arts London. This year we’d like to extend a warm welcome to Institute and Research Centre colleagues, technical staff as well as colleagues in support and non-teaching roles.
Any staff new to presenting at the Conference can request a mentor meeting ( We have the usual wide range of formats and presentation types, from short conversations to larger innovative experiences.
This is an internal university conference so, unfortunately, we cannot accept proposals from staff outside UAL. However, we welcome external partners and collaborators to be included in your proposals and in attendance on the day.
What format can I choose for my proposed session?
If you’re unsure which format to choose, explore last year’s schedule to browse how successful sessions matched content and format types.
Choose 1 of the formats listed below for your proposal

Workshop (45 – 50 minutes)
A workshop is a fully participatory and experiential session where colleagues can engage, discuss and reflect on a focused topic, theme or aspect of educational practice. It’s your opportunity to be creative: we encourage alternative formats such as visual, sound, video or performance approaches that particularly suit our UAL context.

Paper (15mins + 10mins discussion)
This is an opportunity to give a 15 minute oral, visual, film or slide presentation outlining your research, project or curriculum innovation. It can be useful to prepare 2-3 focused questions at the end of each presentation to start the discussion. Papers are normally paired sessions, so someone else will present directly before or after you.

Panel discussion
Panel Discussion (45 – 50 minutes)
This format brings together, for example, 3 linked presentations of approximately 10 minutes around a shared topic, with 15 minutes for discussion facilitated by a proposed Chair. These sessions provide the opportunity for networking, to bring together colleagues from different disciplines or Colleges. They can also be used to gain attendee feedback to develop work-in-progress.

Lightning talk
Lightning talk (5 mins + 5mins discussion)
Lightning talks are deliberately short. Based on the “pecha kucha” format, each presentation includes a maximum of 20 slides so each slide might advance every 15 seconds. The concise talks stimulate ideas and discussion and enable multiple speakers to contribute to a theme. Lightning talks are an excellent format for sharing a teaching innovation or an interesting solution to a problem from your experience. You will usually present alongside 3-4 others during a Lightning talk session. Discussion time is often most effective when pooled at the end of the presentations.

Flip Session
Flip Session (30 Minutes)
(material is prepared and uploaded in advance and then discussed in the session)
Propose a flip session if you would like participants to have seen materials before attending. There is an advance deadline for these sessions, where all materials are uploaded online or sent to attendees prior to the conference day itself. Booking a place requires attendees to confirm they will engage with your materials beforehand.

Conversation (25 or 45 minutes)
This is a more informal space to think aloud with others. You can table a topic for conversation and plan your session with fellow presenter/s. However, if you are brave enough to propose a topic you deem to be necessary, or neglected, for a short or in-depth conversation with whoever turns up on the day, please, go ahead! Note: all conversation sessions will have a named Chair, either someone you propose or someone provided by the Exchange who meets the presenter/s beforehand.

Innovative Format/Other
Innovative Format / Other (Variable durations)
your suggestions for innovative formats are welcome
Please provide a description of your focus, activity and materials, as well as a clear explanation of the concept and purpose of the event. For example, we had a CSM roof-top dye-garden event and a wandering remote access event last year, as well as numerous collective presentations. Almost anything is possible!
We particularly welcome sessions that use presentation styles creatively to stimulate engagement.
Please note that the peer review process may recommend a proposal is presented in a different format than initially submitted. Session facilitators will be provided by the Exchange or can be named in proposals.
How will my proposal be reviewed?
All proposals will be peer-reviewed against the following 3 criteria:
– Clarity of content, good choice of format and expression (reserved where 2 or more proposals are on a very similar theme), with an appropriately detailed description of how you will use the session time.
– Maximum potential for participation and engagement of attendees, and of under-represented presenters or viewpoints.
– Contemporary relevance to the wider UAL community (especially as best relates to other proposals in complementary or contrasting ways).
What’s the deadline for proposals?
The final day to submit a proposal will be Monday 29 April (12noon).
When will I know if my proposal has been accepted?
The peer review will take place in May and we aim to provide feedback within 2-3 weeks.
Who do I contact with any questions?
Please email: to ask any questions about the Conference or submitting a proposal. We can advise on proposals before you submit, especially about choice of format or presentation partners.