Parallel session: Parallel session 1
What can a creative university with language justice look like?
Language is core to how we express ourselves and connect with each other, and is inextricably linked to culture, identity, and power. Practices of language justice – simply defined as the right to communicate in the language in which one feels most comfortable- enable each of us to bring our full selves into the room;…
Student Perspectives on Knowledge Exchange Initiative with the GLAM Sector
Educational frameworks in HE are enhanced with practice-based learning tackling real-world issues. Knowledge Exchange (KE), important to this shift, encompasses multi-directional knowledge sharing within the learning triad of a student, a facilitator and an external partner. Students are a catalyst here and this paper adopts a mixed-method approach to investigate how media and communications students…
Making Moodle more inclusive: What do students and staff tell us?
The design and use of Moodle is a critical part of inclusive practice, for example, through the availability of teaching materials, flexibility of access and breaking down barriers. However, gaps in awareness, training and design, mean this potential is often not fully realised. We will discuss the key messages from interviews with students and staff…
Bridging the gap between Secondary School and Higher Education – UAL, student and secondary art & design school teacher’s perspectives on supporting students from under-represented backgrounds in progressing to UAL courses.
Outreach and Contextual Admissions work seeks to support students from under-represented backgrounds in accessing and achieving on UAL courses. No one student or their journey are the same. This discussion aims to explore this important area of work through perspectives from UAL practitioners, students who’ve taken part in our programmes and secondary Art and Design…
Student Engagement: Challenges, Case Studies and Top Tips
This session will examine the realities of delivering student engagement support at UAL. Drawing from the Student Learning and Engagement Pilot, participants will be presented with case studies exploring the complexities of working with students in a pastoral context. ‘Real world’ examples will show the challenges of supporting students to engage with their course and…
Rituals, Routines & Improvisations – Mapping Spaces of Pedagogical Resistance
“Rituals, Routines & Improvisations” is a research-based project exploring the informal, often transitory, community-led educational interventions in the urban realm. Engrained in the day-to-day occurrences, often within oppressive and poorly defined peripheries, this workshop will reflect upon alternative modes of learning that forge cultural cooperation and self-governance. Drawing on individual and collective experiences, this session…
‘We’re all in the same boat!’ Co-designing a Course Community Map
Often students have difficulties accessing the UAL ecosystem of support services. Students are either not aware of or reluctant to access these services as they are perceived as ‘outside the course’. This case study proposes a workshop co-designing a course community map where students collectively identify issues they are experiencing and map these against UAL…