Parallel session: Parallel session 2
The duality of preservation: bringing psychological safety to teaching & learning as a route to wellbeing and achievement
Lorde says that self-preservation isn’t self-indulgent, but an act of political warfare. Her use of the descriptor ‘warfare’ seemingly aligns with where people of colour have to prioritise preservation – in highly politicised spaces like HEI. If we expand ‘preservation’ beyond the ‘self’ to a community responsibility, how might approaches to psychological safety lend itself…
Being Seen Accurately: fostering anti-racist practice and inclusivity through a colour accuracy and photography studio lighting workshop
This is a visual presentation of the process and findings of an Action Research Project of the PgCert in Academic Practice. It explored ways of introducing antiracist photography into a studio lighting and colour accuracy workshop. Inclusively designed and problematised in dialogue with UAL colleagues, it aimed to demonstrate racial biases of photography histories and…
Drawn Out: What anxieties and misunderstandings do students have about sketchbooks?
Sketchbooks are a key component of creative research, as a means to capture ideas, document the learning journey, and practice emerging skills in a safe environment. However, I’ve noticed that some students are unsure or reluctant to use sketchbooks. What are some common student misunderstandings and anxieties regarding sketchbooks, what assumptions do we make as…
Cripping the Crit: Examining the inclusivity of crits and presentations through the lens of Critical Disability Studies
This paper explores the inclusivity of crits and presentations through the lens of Critical Disability Studies. This 2023 research project revealed that current practices exclude students whose bodyminds do not align with the ‘imagined normal student’; that is a student who does not experience impairment and who is an English-dominant speaker. The paper also outlines…
Queering BB Collaborate
UAL uses Blackboard Collaborate, a platform that can be seen as transactional, sterile, inert and patriarchal in design and ownership. Digital and virtual tools and spaces can facilitate online community but just as easily alienate and disconnect with screen and VLEs as place of access, also as barriers. How could the hegemony of the space…
Invisible Cartography: Mapping the Unseen in the Tutorial Space
This session will be a brief insight into students’ affective response to the tutorial space, as well as broader reflections on the role of sensory experience in learning.
“Drawing inspiration…”
The importance of getting people together to draw with simple materials, inside public and free-to-access spaces.
Conversations about Race
‘Conversations About Race’, is a workshop developed to enable race-based conversations using Citizens UK community organising techniques. During the workshop, we will share the findings from previous sessions, introduce Citizens UK philosophy and methodology, and ask attendees to participate in a relational 121, coined as the most radical organising tool.
Empathy in Action: Exploring embedding compassionate pedagogies in teaching and learning
This paper shares key findings of my ongoing CCW Teaching and Learning funded project ‘Empathy in Action’. Bringing together UAL staff, students and external guests to discuss the term ‘empathy since 2022, this project is part of a cluster of activity that I have designed and delivered in the last six years aiming to embed…