Bridging the gap between Secondary School and Higher Education – UAL, student and secondary art & design school teacher’s perspectives on supporting students from under-represented backgrounds in progressing to UAL courses.

panel discussion


Outreach and Contextual Admissions work seeks to support students from under-represented backgrounds in accessing and achieving on UAL courses. No one student or their journey are the same. This discussion aims to explore this important area of work through perspectives from UAL practitioners, students who’ve taken part in our programmes and secondary Art and Design teachers who take them through GCSE and Post-16 qualifications and support them on their journeys into higher education. We’ll be exploring what makes a good learning and teaching experience, the role of differentiation within compulsory and higher education and how to overcome ongoing challenges.

Session and activities

Six panel members will each have a shortened Pecha Kucha style slot (5 minutes only) to introduce themselves and speak about this subject from their perspective. CCW Outreach Manager Ian Thompson and CCW College Admissions Tutor Sharon Bertram will describe UAL’s approach to access work in relation to the Access and Participation Plan (APP).
Two art and design secondary school teachers from South London state-maintained schools, (Clare Stanhope from Harris Girls Academy, East Dulwich and Dorette Lewin from St Gabriel’s College) have agreed to talk about how they teach their subject and support progression in schools. Two current or recently graduated students who have taken part in UAL Outreach programmes will talk about their experiences prior to, during and in one instance beyond UAL, describing what impact the university has had on their journeys so far.

There will be a panel discussion following these introductions where audience members will be able to respond to the presentations and ask any questions that they would like to. This will be an enriching and enhancing knowledge exchange activity for all where audience members will be able to submit questions in advance. Participants will leave this session with a greater understanding about UAL Outreach and Contextual Admissions work and the individual impact that they can have within their different roles in supporting students from under-represented backgrounds. The aim is that participants will gain:

• A greater understanding of the benefits and challenges of collaborations between schools and colleges and UAL.
• Further insight of student journey and their learning and teaching experience prior to and beyond HE
• An understanding of the importance of differentiation within their teaching practice
• An understanding of different student and teacher perspectives.



Outreach Manager

Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges



College Admissions Tutor

Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges