“Drawing inspiration…”

lightning talk


The importance of getting people together to draw with simple materials, inside public and free-to-access spaces.

Session and activities

I will deliver a short 5-8 minute talk on a project I have been working on since 2022 called 41drawings. People come to the workshops and we try to each create 41 fast paced drawings in 2 hours. We use a pencil and an A6 sized sketchbooks to loosen up and build momentum in a small group. Drawing becomes a kettle and catalyst to get to know other people and converse.

This format is similar to a coffee morning. Instead of kettles, tea or cake, participants are given drawing materials. I believe this low tech way of getting people together can lower stress levels and get people to build bridges rather than divide. I will accompany the short talk with photos/videos and drawings we have made at previous sessions around Europe, but mostly in galleries and public places around the UK, as I\’m based in London. If you would like to learn more about the 41drawings project please visit www.41drawings.com



Retail Sales Assistant (CSM art shop)

Central Saint Martins