Fun with the Inquilab/Ink-Lab reading group




Inquilab/Ink-Lab Reading Group is now three years old. It offers an expanded form of reading and operates as a creative method to share stories, issues, dreams and inclusive approaches to, teaching and learning in Higher Education. Everyone is welcome to this interactive conversation through a creative object based workshop with the sharing of impactful quotes and to have fun making a 2D or 3D in response to the reading group. This workshop/conversation will be run by members of the Inquilab/Ink-Lab reading Group.

Session and activities

1. Introduction to the Inquilab/Ink-Lab Reading Group and an update on its three years.
2. Asking participants to bring an object and a quote from a text, song, play or a film. To share them with the group, the object and quote do not have to be related.
3. While each person shares the story about their quote and object. The rest of the group respond by making something of their choice in 2D or 3D.
4. At the end of the session the participants will share what they have made and give feedback.
5. The session will be documented



Educational Developer in AE