Language for Art and Design – Online Course

lightning talk


In this session we will share how we have rebuilt the online language course for Art and Design available to all UAL students on Moodle. The course is modular and flexible and is the product of cross disciplinary work. The course is designed around the needs of UAL students, specifically students for whom English is not a first language. We encourage tutors’ feedback and contributions and aim to give everyone at this session access to the course that they can share with staff and students.

Session and activities

The session will start with a live demonstration of the new structure of the online Academic Language for Art and Design Moodle course. We will show participants the moodle pages we are building and demonstrate the Art and Design activities that students can go to build academic language skills for study at UAL The course is particularly relevant to students for whom English is not a first language, but it is available to all UAL students. We will be highlighting the new activities that are set to go live in the academic year 24/25 which focus on the discourse of art and design at HE. The demonstration will be followed by a question and answer session where participants will be invited to contribute ideas for content and structure and give feedback. The session will close with participants the presenters sharing the links to the course that they will be able to share with students and colleagues. Because the new course is flexible, ongoing feedback will contribute to the development of new themes and activities.



Language Development Tutor: Liaison at LCC

International Student Experience



Digital Officer – Academic Practice

Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange



Digital Learning Support Coordinator

Teaching and Learning