Preparing STEM Assessments and Teaching in Creative Academic Environments



The intersection of arts and STEM education is gaining more and more popularity in higher education. Due to this, STEM subjects are being taught to learners from arts and creative disciplines and in arts education institutions. This conversation will be a space for STEM educators in arts universities to reimagine how assessments and teaching for STEM exists in this context, and a space to re-evaluate traditional STEM education and innovate on new teaching practices in STEM in the context of arts education.

Session and activities

The session will begin with a brief introduction of individual experience of STEM education in an arts university and understanding the opportunities that exist for STEM education in a creative environment, and also evaluating pain points where traditional STEM education may clash with how teaching happens in arts universities. Attendees will then be invited to produce mind maps and have discussions on how they approach teaching and assessments in their own teaching practice, and would be encouraged to share with the group their own experiences and how they have worked on improving their process for producing teaching content. The final phase of the conversation would be creating a group framework, where the group decides on a format on how they may approach producing teaching content moving forwards, based on the learnings by peers and senior colleagues in the conversation.

Dhanush Veena


Associate Lecturer (Mathematics and Data Science)

Creative Computing Institute