Using ‘Planning Your Creative Project’ (online module) to support work with students

lightning talk


You can use ‘Planning Your Creative Project’ (online module) for delivering the curriculum, and to support work within academic support and employability.

Session and activities

Jane D’Aulby will give a brief introduction to the module Planning Your Creative Project. It was initially aimed at supporting students applying for creative project funding. This was specifically in response to Mead Fellowships applicants, whose proposals kept having the same deficiencies, year on year.
When the module was being scoped, we quickly realised that it would have much wider application. So, it was written to support any UAL staff and students involved in project planning and management. The module is available to staff, students and graduates on these platforms:
Student Moodle:
Graduate Moodle:
Academic Support:
Jane will explain that each section contains information, ‘case studies’, downloadable templates, and links to further resources and reading. Sections can be completed in any order, and accessed as many times as you like. The pack of templates can be downloaded as one, and kept for future use.
Jane will then give a 4-minute quick walk-through of the module, showing how the sections are set up (with a sentence on what the main sections contain):
> Description of your project and choosing a title
> Identifying your audience / beneficiaries
> Outputs, outcomes and impacts
> Project timeline
> Budgeting
> Cashflow
> Budget Out-turn
> Stakeholders, supporters and resources
> Skills you bring to the project
> Marketing and Publicity
> Evaluation
> Reporting
> What next?
Ruth will then talk about how she uses the module within taught workshops and one-to-one student guidance work to support students across a range of courses and education levels. She will demonstrate how it can be used to prepare students to pitch projects, apply for funding, respond to open calls, secure residencies and more. If there is time, we will take questions. If not, people can email Jane D’Aulby with questions:



Mentoring and Projects Coordinator

Careers and Employability


Annett Sixta

Employability Practitioner

Careers and Employability