Wayfinding and Augmented Reality for All



The key message is to show how augmented reality (AR) can become an additional tool in supporting students with site navigation and information. It is designed to encourage participants to think beyond the 2D and to make use of the unlimited space available in the physical world using augmented reality.

Session and activities

Wayfinding in 3D Danielle Royer will show you how to create art for wayfinding using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Aero. Please bring your computer for this session. She will show you how using augmented reality to help people navigate their way around spaces, can be useful, sustainable and inclusive. Danielle is a Fellow at the Decolonising Arts Institute and the Exchange. She is currently using augmented reality as part of her research project which seeks to support students with navigating UAL spaces. She is designing an app that assists with way-finding, student support, staff information and a meditation feature. The session will be around 40 minutes long, is fully participatory and invites participants to design 2D and 3D objects, characters and signs that can be transported into the physical world using augmented reality. Basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator would be useful but not essential. Please install Illustrator before arrival. Adobe Aero works on a Mac in beta mode only and is available as an app on iPad, iPhone and Android. Please install your preferred version of Aero before Arrival. You will also need a relatively new mobile phone to access your content.




Decolonising the Arts Institute