room: LVMH 2
Being Seen Accurately: fostering anti-racist practice and inclusivity through a colour accuracy and photography studio lighting workshop
This is a visual presentation of the process and findings of an Action Research Project of the PgCert in Academic Practice. It explored ways of introducing antiracist photography into a studio lighting and colour accuracy workshop. Inclusively designed and problematised in dialogue with UAL colleagues, it aimed to demonstrate racial biases of photography histories and…
Machine Translation Tools (MTTs)
Find out how MTTs are impacting the student experience at UAL and how colleagues in the Language Centre and beyond are responding.
Drawn Out: What anxieties and misunderstandings do students have about sketchbooks?
Sketchbooks are a key component of creative research, as a means to capture ideas, document the learning journey, and practice emerging skills in a safe environment. However, I’ve noticed that some students are unsure or reluctant to use sketchbooks. What are some common student misunderstandings and anxieties regarding sketchbooks, what assumptions do we make as…
How We Use Visual References: Qualities, Possibilities, And Shortcomings Of Mood Boards
Reflecting on the qualities and shortcomings of mood boards, this paper explores the use of visual references in design processes. With cultural appropriation, commodification, and intellectual property at stake, I discuss ethical considerations for educators supporting students through visual research. What are our responsibilities when using images from the past to brief a future project?…
Empowering Tomorrow’s Identities: Why Web 3.0 Education Matters
As our society is rapidly racing towards Ai and virtual reality, the question of who we are in these digital environments becomes highly important, especially in the context of higher education. Who is the true owner of your identity? How can we increase the metacognition of students within the framework of Fashion in Web3? We…
Sentence Completion as Freedom: Innovative tools to engage students in reflective practice towards productive coursework outcomes
Sentence completion is a technique used in personal development, psychology and other fields. It blends elements of enquiry and projective techniques. My experience of using these tools as pedagogical practice in the higher education space has been overwhelmingly positive. Sentence completion is an effective tool at the disposal of educators to help set an open…
Using ‘Planning Your Creative Project’ (online module) to support work with students
You can use ‘Planning Your Creative Project’ (online module) for delivering the curriculum, and to support work within academic support and employability.
Queering BB Collaborate
UAL uses Blackboard Collaborate, a platform that can be seen as transactional, sterile, inert and patriarchal in design and ownership. Digital and virtual tools and spaces can facilitate online community but just as easily alienate and disconnect with screen and VLEs as place of access, also as barriers. How could the hegemony of the space…
Decolonising Academic Writing
As Rosi Braidotti says, writing is ‘a visceral gesture’ and ‘a mode of inscription into life.’ Traditional modes of academic writing and publishing tend to homogenise voices and this especially affects voices minoritised by race, class, neurodiversity, sexuality, disability and so on. In my research and my writing workshops, I encourage researchers and practitioners to…
Panopto Power: a one-stop tool for original form research data collection and transcription
Transduction (the change from one mode to another in transcription) causes change to the material structure of research data. Panopto, a lecture capture video platform supported by UAL for educational purposes can be used as a one-stop method for collecting and transcribing data in its purest form without distorting it. The software is ideal for…